The Stained Glass Windows of St. Leonard Church
The stained glass windows of St. Leonard Church were acquired from St. Bede the Venerable Church in Bovard, Pennsylvania, which closed in 2008. An "Adopt a Window" campaign at St. Leonard Church raised the needed funds for the windows. After the funds were raised, work for fitting the windows began by Associated Crafts in Gilbert, Arizona. The windows were installed in July of 2015 and were dedicated in September, 2015.
The windows are pictured below.
The Word
This window is an abstract description of how the Word of God descends like fire to inflame the hearts and minds of all humanity.
The Eucharist
Inspired by the word (note the red "leaves" at the bottom) and fed with the Body of Christ, this window gives an abstract indication of how we rise like "pruned branches of new growth" toward heaven.
The Sacred Heart
This window is based on the traditional depiction of Jesus exposing his wounded heart, as described by St. Gertrude in the 12th century, and later by St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, whose instruction of devotion to the Sacred Heart is used world-wide.
Our Lady of Fatima
The apparition of the Blessed Mother to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917, is widely known as she shared a great miracle of the "dancing sun." Our Blessed Mother revealed herself as the Lady of the Rosary to the childern.
St. Joseph
St. Joseph holds a carpenter square and a staff of lilies and so is depicted as "The Worker" and "Husband of Mary." St. Joseph is the patron saint of workers, the Americas, families, fathers, travelers and a happy death.
St. Anne
St. Anne is, by very long tradition, known as the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As such she is also the grandmother of Jesus, the Son of God. St. Anne is the patron saint of grandmothers, women in labor, and miners-comparing Jesus to gold and Mary to silver.
St. Anthony
St. Anthony was a contemporary of St. Francis of Assisi and a priest of the Franciscan order. He was a great preacher and teacher. St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost articles, horses, lower animals, mail and mail carriers, travelers, starvation and those involved with hospitality.
St. Agnes
St. Agnes (meaning chaste or pure) was only thirteen years old, when in the 3rd century she suffered martyrdom as she claimed God as her spouse and refused to marry. After many attacks, she was killed by the sword. St. Agnes is the patron saint of young girls, chastity, gardeners, rape survivors and virgins.
The Four Evangelists
The window of the Four Evangelists (Gospel writers of the Bible) is located in the narthex across from the Sacristy. The Gospel writers are depicted in their order in the Bible from left to right and are in their assigned form from the Book of Revelation as the four beasts: Matthew (a man), Mark (a lion), Luke (an ox) and John (a soaring eagle).